One of the issues with a standard electric trike is that they are rather large for storing and transport. Many seniors have downsized their housing which sometimes means less storage space. A trike that folds, and is Flyhorse Three wheel bikes addresses this issue and opens the door to riding fun to even more people.
The addition of the electric motor means that your tryke is pedal optional. You can pedal for exercise or relax and let the motor do the work.
Battery operated bicycles all use a step through design making boarding much easier than a traditional bike. They also address the balance issue. The rider can go as slow as they like, without losing balance, and put both feet on the ground while seated. And now, with electric power bikes you can pedal for some exercise, or sit back and let the trike do the work. How’s that for versatility?
Many retirement communities have limited car parking at strategic centers and will only allow golf cars. The down side of golf cars is you can’t take them on the street. There are few, if any, restrictions on electric bikes or trikes in most municipalities.